Just Giving

We've teamed up with JustGiving.com to help you raise even more for your chosen charity.

JustGiving is the world’s most trusted platform for online giving, helping people in almost every single country in the world raise over £5 billion for good causes since they were founded in 2000. You can create a fundraising page and start receiving donations in just a few clicks.

Here's a few of the things we love about JustGiving:

  • 0% platform fee - it's completely free to set up your page, no hidden costs.
  • JustGiving send the donations you receive online to your charity on a weekly basis. This way, they never have to wait too long to put the money you raise towards their amazing work.
  • It only takes a few minutes to set up your JustGiving page, and you can personalise it by adding photos, videos or even livestream!
  • Connect with the Strava app, clock up those miles, and automatically share your progress to your fundraising page.
  • They've got an entire hub dedicated to helping you raise more with top tips to help you make the most of your fundraising.